Trying Times

Who would have thought that half way through April we would have no children in our classrooms. It is strange to come into school and prepare Google Classroom Story and work time for our children. Keeping our connection to our students at this time is so important. Our preschoolers and kindergarteners love showing the work they are doing. The toddlers love to make the crafts and show them during our virtual classroom time.Getting to see their smiling faces as they sing along with us and listen during stories, warms our hearts.

We miss interactions with families on a daily basis too! We are so thankful for the support of our families as we all work to keep some normalcy to their lives. Our You Tube channel is starting to gain followers and we are excited to share stories, yoga and songs with our friends. Yes, this is certainly an unprecedented time but we want to keep a sense of normalcy.

We know this is a difficult time and we hope to welcome all our families back in May. Stay strong and know we will help anyway we can!!

Kathy RaymondComment