Fall Behind and Spring Forward

That may be true for our alarm clocks, but not for our little ones!

We never want any child to fall behind, which is what makes the Montessori philosophy so beautiful. Being child centered, we are guided by our student’s cues and interests. What an interesting bunch too!

Our youngest, or Seedling students are striving for independence while still needing extra guidance and nurturing. Our older, Sprout children are more confident, yet still want that love and reassurance. The Tree students are now preschoolers or kindergarteners. This group is multifaceted and talented but still desire the spontaneity and tenderness of their younger years.

Did you know it would take us, as adults, sixty years to replicate the immense brain growth children experience the first six years of their life? That is inspiring and amazing! Everyday I walk through the rooms and interact with our many students, I am in awe. Their capacity for knowledge and creativity knows no bounds. They may fall back into our arms for support, but it is not long before they spring forward to embrace their potential. We are honored guides along their journey toward adulthood and wouldn’t have it any other way. xoxo

Kathy RaymondComment