March Madness!

March madness? Well, perhaps a little of our own. We just celebrated Montessori Education Week and welcomed our families for Family NIght. We are now into our annual Re-Enrollment process for next year and are excited to welcome back many toddler, pre school and kindergarten families! Even our As we start to wind down our current school year, we anxiously await some fun events. The annual Art Show, Volunteer Day and Ice Cream Social will all be popular and we look forward to celebrating many accomplishments.

This month has me reflecting on what an amazing, small but mighty school we have. Our families are fabulous, thoughtful and helpful. Our students are eager learners, busy explorers and gifted each in their own ways. No two days are the same. Our teachers are energetic, dedicated and hard working. The success of each child is a priority and the partnership with each family a must. Yes, we have our daily routines, but the energy, spontaneity and joy ebb and flow daily, like the tide.

So as March blends into April, we all move toward the end of another wonderful, challenging, rewarding year. I know I speak for all the teachers when I say, we wouldn’t be the school we are without the support of our families and community. Thank you. Happy spring!


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