Maria Montessori (1870-1952) developed her educational method from a profound appreciation for the power and mystery of the child. The child, given primary respect, makes spontaneous choices within a specially prepared environment, and is able to "create himself”.

A Montessori education helps develop critical thinking and problem solving skills children will need to succeed in the future! It also teaches care of self, care of others and care of the environment in a fun and safe space.



  1. Cognitive/social/emotional/moral development emphasis

  2. Teacher prepares the environment with learning materials

  3. Emphasizes inner discipline

  4. Encouraged to help one another

  5. Mixed Age Grouping

  6. Much teaching is peer teaching and modeling

  7. Curriculum is structured to child

  8. Child internalizes concepts through exploration of educational materials

  9. Child is self-paced and usually continues with an activity for an extended time

  10. Child sets own learning pace

  11. Child identifies errors from educational material's feedback

  12. Learning is reinforced internally by child's repetition with materials and an internal feeling of competence

  13. Multi-sensory learning materials for physical exploration

  14. Purposeful movement in the classroom is encouraged and believed to be an aid in learning


  1. Social development emphasis

  2. Teacher is the center of classroom as the instructor

  3. Teacher disciplines

  4. Seeks help of teacher

  5. Same age grouping

  6. Most teaching done by teacher

  7. Curriculum structured to class

  8. Child is taught concepts by teacher

  9. Child is generally allotted specific instructional time

  10. Group sets the learning pace

  11. Teacher identifies error

  12. Learning is reinforced externally by group repetition and rewards

  13. Pencil and paper approach to learning

  14. Child usually assigned own chair; encouraged to participate, sit still and listen during group sessions